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Wherever you are coming from or going to, Tokyo, Mumbai, Dubaï, Istanbul, PAris, London, New York or Santiago de Chile, you are welcome to our agency, downtown Paris, to change money. We are located in the latin quarter, next to notre dame or Pantheon. We try to have a local business with interesting interest rate, but we are far better comparing to airport, trainstation or touristical place.
Our agency is open from monday to friday, from 09:30 am untill 06:00 p.m.. If you plan to go on a trip abroad France, we exchange a wide range of foreign currencies. In the case we do not get the one you need, it is possible to make an order then we receive in about 3 days.
In the case you are arriving into Paris or France for holidays, be sure we buy up the currency of your country.
Feel free to give us a call.
All about euro currency : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Euro
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14 Rue Soufflot, 75005 Paris
Tel : 01 43 54 96 20
Ouverture : Du lundi au vendredi de 9h30 à 18h00