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La coupure minimum est de
En fonction des cours les plus compétitifs
When you have arrived in Paris, it is a very exciting moment to come to that beautiful city. But first, you need to get money to buy a baguette. It is important to get the good currency exchange rate.
France is member of the European Union and Euro zone. It means the currency in France is the Euro. It is the same currency among several European countries.
Many businesses have a minimum purchase of € 10 or 20 and you will not be alble to pay everywhere with foreign credit card. It is much easier to get some cash and much cheaper.
You should wait to be downtown Paris to make your currency exchange. You will be able to cut by a half the conversion fees.
So make your exchange with Godot et Fils, in the latin quarter, next to Notre Dame Cathedral. It will be the best way to begin your trip.
to explore the history of Euro : https://european-union.europa.eu/institutions-law-budget/euro_fr
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14 Rue Soufflot, 75005 Paris
Tel : 01 43 54 96 20
Ouverture : Du lundi au vendredi de 9h30 à 18h00