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If you have already pack your bags, but you have forgotten to change currency before you leave. You do not have to worry because you will get the best currency exchange can give you ; here in Paris.
You have already reach your hotel, then you prefered to avoid exchange at the airport : you made the good choice. Fees at the airport or at the trainstation are hugely high.
For nearly 100 years, Godot et Fils is the specialist for currency exchange. We buy and sell US Dollars, Sterling Pounds, Swiss Franc, Japanese yens... and more than 50 currencies.
Our agency is open from Monday to Friday, 09:30 am till 06:00 pm. It is located next to Notre Dame Cathedral (5 minutes walking), the Luxembourg Garden and the Pantheon.
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14 Rue Soufflot, 75005 Paris
Tel : 01 43 54 96 20
Ouverture : Du lundi au vendredi de 9h30 à 18h00