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As a member of the European Union, Euro is the official currency in France. You will be able to find plenty of currency desk downtown Paris. Due to lots of tourists come in Paris every year, money changers are easy to find.
Paris' touristical or commercial places have agencies with important commission. It is the same for airports or trainstations. For nearly 100 years, Godot et Fils provide a local service for parisians. We would like to help foreigners to get the interesting rate.
Our agency is located next to the Pantheon Church, in the latin district. We are open from monday till friday : 09:30 am to 06:00 pm. You will definitely love the beauty of the location around.
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14 Rue Soufflot, 75005 Paris
Tel : 01 43 54 96 20
Ouverture : Du lundi au vendredi de 9h30 à 18h00